Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sigh of relief...

This will probably sound cliched, but this one is probably so popular because it tends to be true. Sometimes when someone I love has to go through something scary, it reminds me not to take them for granted. My mom had a rather invasive procedure done today so that they can try to get to the bottom of some abnormal blood test results. I knew there was very little chance of anything going wrong, but I still found myself worrying throughout the day. Since my father passed away, my mother and I have been extremely close, and sometimes I find myself worrying over her like she does over me. Today was one of those days. Everything went well and she is back home, thank goodness. Even better, they should have some answers for her in the next few days. For me, one of the worst things is not knowing what I'm dealing with. I hope in her case it is the least scary of the possible causes. At least, no matter what, I can rest secure in that she knows how much I care about her--we talk every day at least once while I walk with the boy. Love you, Mom!

Haiku News

Doctors and patients
like existing health co-ops;
what's the big problem?

Bad year for Disney:
third cast member dies within
two-month span; bummer.

New study contends
global warming started with
ancient farmers--whew.


Mimi said...

And I love you, darling daughter! We are a very fortunate pair! Thank you for your prayers and caring.

Minerva said...

You're welcome :)