Thursday, August 6, 2009

Terse Thursday

Due to the lateness of the hour, the fact that the boy has woken up before 7AM three days in a row, and the limited amount of stuff I have to say, I am going to keep this one very short. 

Please check out the wonderful limericks submitted here. Keep 'em coming!

I am still itchy but I hope it will be better tomorrow. At least the storm we had today is supposed to be the last one for the time we will be here. Also, I do not recommend running for nearly an hour when the dew point is 75. My husband's weatherman cousin says anything over 65 is pretty bad. 

Haiku News

"Bueller"'s John Hughes dead;
noted for teen comedies,
defined 80s teens.

Husband of driver
killed in crash driving wrong way
claims police were wrong.

No one saw her drink,
they can't explain booze in car,
but she had a stroke.

Never mind that he
has no evidence to back
up this brand-new claim.

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