Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day of Rest

I enjoyed a well-earned day of rest today after my amazingly pleasant 11-mile run yesterday. I also got a rare trip to the store by myself! Pretty awesome. And tonight my darling husband and I had a date night: dinner and a lovely concert of acoustic guitar singer-songwriters.

Due to my tiredness and the extreme lateness of the hour, I will share one of my favorite songs from each of the artists we were treated to tonight.

First, new-for-us Stephen Kellogg:

And of course, Dar Williams. This song pretty much always makes me cry, but I love it.

Haiku News

Seven-year-old girl
washed off rocky cliff and killed:
lack of good judgment.

Single-engine plane
lands on California street;
no big injuries.

"Absolutely" seems
to be going much the way
of "unique" of late.

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