Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sorry for the delay...

So, I was so absorbed in spending time with my family today that I managed to totally forget about doing an entry today. Sorry about that! Not much to report. The boy is working on his eyeteeth. He has one point through on the bottom, the matching top one working its way through, and the other side is swollen...looks like they are trying to come through simultaneously. Joyous. At least he doesn't seem to be too terribly uncomfortable.

My mom's birthday is tomorrow and we are celebrating by attending a taping of the Bonnie Hunt Show. That will be very fun, as I've never attended any TV tapings before. We're also joining her friend (and my friend who's her friend's daughter) and their family for dinner. It should be a very nice day.

Cicely has bravely entered the fray of the epigram. Any other takers are warmly welcomed!

Haiku News

I love her to death,
but Ellen DeGeneres
is an Idol judge?!?!?

Jerkwad of the day:
this guy shouting out "You lie!"
while Obama speaks.

A close runner-up:
Cali assemblyman talks up
affairs on hot mike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Jerkwad of the day:
this guy shouting out "You lie!"
while Obama speaks."

I strongly suspect
He didn't intend to be
Quite so audible.

The Republicans
Were heckling in the background;
This was his "harrumph!".

(I'm referencing Blazing Saddles, here, where the Governor says, "I didn't get a harrumph out of that guy".)

"A close runner-up:
Cali assemblyman talks up
affairs on hot mike.

A politician
Claiming "family values"
Needs circumspection.
