Sunday, September 13, 2009

Early today.

All right, well, we have tickets to see U2 tonight and I doubt I'll have the energy to get back on here when we get back, so I will do a short blog now instead. The boy is already awake but whiny and I'm hoping he will take another mini-snooze so he can wake up happier.  He was SO good on the plane yesterday, it was really amazing. He usually takes a long nap in the afternoon and yesterday he only slept about 45 minutes, roughly as long as the first leg of our flight, but he still stayed pretty happy, etc. So I was proud of him. 

Here's a video of one of my favorite bands performing one of my favorite songs.

Haiku News

Jerkwad of the day:
Kanye grabs Taylor Swift's mike
when she wins award.

Child brides still exist.
This girl died of childbirth
at just twelve years old.

Parole hold keeps creep
who kidnapped Dugard back in
jail, where he belongs.


Mimi said...

CUCCC is starting a U2carist worship service on Saturdays at 6:22pm. They're hoping to get the college kids interested. I'm going to try it myself!

Anonymous said...

Haiku News Commentary

"Child brides still exist.
This girl died of childbirth
at just twelve years old."

Where custom presents
The perception of easement,
This will continue.
