Friday, May 14, 2010

10 weeks left...

As slowly as the beginning of this pregnancy had gone, the last few months seem to have flown by. Perhaps it's the juxtaposition of how heavy and slow I feel like I am getting and how much I need to be aware of my constantly-active toddler (mostly damage control when he's in destructo-mode, trying to swim in the dog's water, open the china cabinet, etc.). Maybe that's why I need to nap so often in this pregnancy and I didn't really in my first one.

I am feeling pretty peaceful about this little one's impending arrival. I guess it's because I've gotten to the point where it is reasonable to expect a good outcome even if he chooses to come early. Otherwise I have to think it's because I have now been through all of this before, so there is not so much fear of the unknown. I'm sure he will have some surprises in store for me, but I'm trying to remain zen about all of it. No use worrying right now whether he will sleep well or be colicky, etc.

Anyway, I wanted to check in since I hadn't posted at all this week. I'll try to be better next week.


Mimi said...

It's time to slow down a little, hmmm? Do the necessary things and let the rest go. Enjoy your 'singleton' as much as you can while he's still your only. You are doing just fine! :-)

Minerva said...

Thanks for the encouragement Mama :)